

Let us introduce K Shopping in.

Korgou would like to tell you about K-pop, K-Beauty, K-Drama, and K-Trends faster than anyone else. It will be a newsletter where you can receive news from all over the world that is happening in Korea right now. We would appreciate it if you could give a lot of attention and help if you love K-pop more than anyone else. If you tell me the areas and news that you are interested in, We would like to actively cover and post that part, so please pay attention to it.

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Let us introduce K Shopping in.

Korgou would like to tell you about K-pop, K-Beauty, K-Drama, and K-Trends faster than anyone else. It will be a newsletter where you can receive news from all over the world that is happening in Korea right now. We would appreciate it if you could give a lot of attention and help if you love K-pop more than anyone else. If you tell me the areas and news that you are interested in, We would like to actively cover and post that part, so please pay attention to it.

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Shopping using free Korean address

The most difficult situation when shopping at an online shopping mall in Korea is that overseas delivery is not possible. If you really want to buy it, but you don’t have any connection with Korea, let us introduce how you can handle with this situation.

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We introduce Korea forwarding service, a way to meet Korea without coming to Korea. For those who wanted to buy products sold in Korea but couldn’t find a way, please pay attention to this article.

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Currency Converter

The USD exchange rate has included the fees charged by PayPal. For more details, please refer to Pricing.